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Politicians have looked weak in the face of such natural disaster, with many facing criticism from local.

Politicians have looked weak in the face of such natural disaster, with many facing criticism from local residents for doing little more than turning up as “flood tourists” at the site of disasters, incapable of helping those in crisis and only there for a photo.

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    Engaging Oppurtunities and Top Benefits

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

    Press Office, Licensees and Employment

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

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    Engaging Oppurtunities and Top Benefits

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

    Press Office, Licensees and Employment

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

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    Engaging Oppurtunities and Top Benefits

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

    Press Office, Licensees and Employment

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

Press Office News

  • World’s Neon production Drops by half, Electronics prices to Hike
    World’s Neon production Drops by half, Electronics prices to Hike

    By Mohamed Maher    2 minutes read Two Ukrainian companies, Ingas and Cryoin, which are major suppliers of neon, have stopped their production. These two companies produce about half of the world’s supply of the main component for the manufacture of electronic chips. The two companies stopped operations after Moscow intensified its assault on the

  • Israeli Educational Apartheid
    Israeli Educational Apartheid

    By Mohamed Maher – 6 minutes read According to the UNICEF, in a report titled “the two faces of education in ethnic conflict”; during and after the Intifada, Israel forced the closure of schools for Palestinian children in Occupied Palestinian-oPt Territories, in some cases for two years or longer. ReliefWeb, the humanitarian information service provided

  • Opiate Belt & Road
    Opiate Belt & Road

    By Mohamed Maher- 4 minutes read With Afghanistan entering a new period of economic and political insecurity, the country’s opium production is set to soar, say experts, meaning cheap heroin could flood the streets of European and American towns and cities, let alone crystal meth. The global trade in illicit Afghan opiates has become one